I feel so shameful for not updating my blog for so long. I tired to be slick by posting pictures to cover up my absence. What happened was... well life happened and my computer died again so I don't have a chance to write. Lucky for me I have a fabulous roommate who's letting me use hers until I can buy a new one. Anyhow, I will keep this short but I wanted to show you what I've been working on. You'll be glad to hear that I've been productive by reading "Anatomy for Artists" and "Drawing Comics the Marvel Way" in order to develop a distinct style of my own. Well also because one of my mentors suggested that I take a look at them.
Back to the topic
The first picture is a self-portrait that I drew 3 years ago and decided to do a rendition on canvas. It looks more not my mom when she was younger which I found interesting.
I know the 2nd one is different than the 1st so let's call it an experimentation for now...

Also, I was looking though a notebook of mine that I keep at work and noticed that I tend to doodle A LOT. The picture below is one of my doodles that I wanted to uplift. It's looking a little flat now but I'm hoping I can bring it to life once I figure out what I was thinking about...

This last piece means a lot to me at this moment. I'll go into more details and spill out my heart and feelings once I splash colors on it. I don't have any names for any of them yet but I guess I'll know what to call them once they're "completed".

For those who've been following me for a while know my struggles, doubts, frustrations, etc that I battle with in regards to opening up and sharing my art. So free feel to tell me what you think of these pieces so far. I'll appreciate it a lot
Thanks and stay inspired...
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