I listened to "The ArchAndroid"

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Janelle Monae blew me into outer space with this cinema production. I saw myself tap dancing on the moon, skating on Saturn's ring, feeling liberate once I arrived in Venus... I don't have a favorite song yet but I love the war zone in "Cold War", the opera Jimi Hendrix foreign wave of "Neon Gumbo", the hippieness of "Mushroom & Roses", the retro Mario Super Bros nintendo sonic in "Make the Bus", and  I wanted to join her in "Wondaland" wearing my 80s outfit with a futuristic robotic twist...Oh and let's not forget "Dance or Die" Yo it was HAWT. Especially how it blended into "Faster" (that's where I was skating and tap dancing on Saturn's ring) Not sure if any of that even makes sense but it was geniusly DOPE.
I highly recommend y'all to support her.

Here's a description of the film by another blogger

This Title is no Accident. Anyone that has Surrendered their Ears to all Eighteen Tracks of Janelle Monae’s masterful debut album “The ArchAndroid” knows that the Audio Experience is so Optimal, it becomes a Visual Experience, a Thought-Provoking Experience, and most importantly an Emotion-Evoking Experience. It is clear that Janelle Monae cultivated this Album with a Message bigger than any Award, any Accolade, or any Monetary Reward. She’s giving us the Gift of Stimulating our Hearts and Minds.

Despite how many Associate her with the “Wierd,” Janelle masterfully uses her Quirks and Differences as “Superpowers,” and guides you through a Story of Self-Discovery. We’re reunited with our Heroine of the Chase Suite, the Android named Cindi Mayweather, as she continues her Frantic Escape from a Vicious Monolithic Government pursuing her and attempting to Disassemble her for Loving a Human. And though her Vessel is full of Left-Field Idiosyncrasies, she still manages to Connect with her Audience, locking into Emotions we all feel: Fear, Doubt, Desperation, that eventually blossoms into Vision, Purpose, and Self-Confidence. The Album itself is a Proclamation that we should Celebrate our Differences. Janelle proves with the ArchAndroid that no Matter how “Wierd” or against Social Doctrine we are, we all feel at the Core, and we’re capable of having Life-changing Experiences if you Embrace each other.

When the “Film” begins, there’s a 30 second Chatter of Folks taking their Seats. This places the Listener(s) about to Experience the “Film” in the same Space, stripped of Pretense and anxiously Awaiting in Wonder what is to Come. Then we’re taken through a Landscape painted by Strings and other Orchestral Instruments in “Suite II Overture.” Much like “Many Moons” from Suite I, the tribal “Dance or Die” is used to illustrate the Social Climate, explaining the Grave Desperation of the World we live in and the Struggle between Enduring and Moving Forward (Dancing) or becoming Complacent and Feeding the Harsh Life we live (Dying)- while alluding to Zombies, Clones, and how the Wish for a Stronger Nation shouldn’t come before Education and the Freeing of the Mind. And of course, it’s extremely Funky.

read more here 


K'arhol said...

omg !! omg !! omggggg !!!!
I soooo loooooooove this girl , omg omg I must listen to this right now !!