(Sincere gratitude and love is expressed to all the readers of the previous blog-articles. Your time, responses, and insight are always welcomed and appreciated, even if one doesn't agree with the information being presented. The heart welcomes your love, support, hatred, or dissention.
Love proceeds…)

From the earliest of recorded history even until the present day, the mother-goddess and her life-giving powers have been the center of worship, honor, and praise. Although much of her worship is concealed in the religions and cultural practices of today, the ancient cultures from around the world heralded the woman as "God" and "Goddess" of all creation and made no attempt to "conceal" it. The vagina of the mother-goddess was equally celebrated as the ancients understood the direct connection it played in reproduction and "life" itself. Elaborate myths, parables, legends, and stories were created to solidify the wisdom and importance of the role that the vagina and the woman play in the regenerative forces of fertility. As we shall see, vagina symbolism and worship is still prevalent today, carefully hidden in a male-dominated, chauvinistic society who largely sees "God" as only a "male" entity. Now let's get into this good ol' creation called a "vagina.
" Ahhh… This is gonna be a lotta fun!

How true the statement above is! Called by many names, "pussy", "poo-tayne", "coochie", or the "nappy dug-out", "vagina" is a Latin word that means 'a sheath or scabbard.' Of course both terms relate to the object that one would slide a sword into. The implication is clear that the sword was the symbolic representation of the male penis. In the various Tantric traditions of the Far East, the vagina was known as the "yoni" or "vulva" and it carried many esoteric shapes and symbols used to represent it. These images were worshipped as symbols of fertility, prosperity, and rebirth. A few of these shapes are the triangle, fish, the oval, horseshoe, egg, fruits, the "V" shape, and the "Y" shape. In the Tantric traditions it was said that the Goddess Kali personified the "yoni" and she bore the title "Kunda" or "Cunti", where the common term "cunt" is derived.
(Does this mean it's a compliment to call a someone a "cunt?") Moving right along…

Above we see the image of the "yoni" and the esoteric symbols associated with it. Also known as the "Primordial Image" or the "Yoni Yantra", the triangle shape is a very ancient representation of the Great Mother and her divine powers of fertility. Ancient cultures observed the beauty of sexual energy as welcomed attributes to their Goddesses. The Goddess of the ancient world was not thought to literally be a "virgin." In fact sexual behavior was "expected" and "required" in many of the rituals performed to honor the great goddess and her vagina, which was seen as "the portal of life."

As a comedian once said, "a few people can hide in here!" Above we see an image that shows why the "fish" symbol or "vesica piscis" is associated with the female yoni. The vesica piscis is an important esoteric symbol in sacred geometry that teaches that "creation" itself is a "feminine" occurance as two circles merge to form the image we see between the legs. Notice that it appears to be a "fish" swimming upwards to the "eggs" of fertility. Author Barbara G. Walker in her book, "THE WOMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS" says that the fish is also symbolic because the ancients claimed that the genitals of a woman smelled like fish. Nonetheless we see the "shape" of the fish and why it figures heavily in vagina, Goddess, and fertility worship.

Because NOTHING in life was seen as a "coincidence", the ancient cultures observed with reverence "caves", "cracks","crevices", and certain "natural formations" that resembled the magical yoni. Above we see a cave that has been honored for centuries as a huge vagina. Caves are also places where rituals and initiations took place in association with a particular Goddess. Many cultures taught that to enter a cave or any "vagina-shaped" entrance was a powerful and symbolic ritual of being "re-born" or "born again" as one engages the "portal." Today it is hidden in two aspects of Christianity as the followers are taught they must be "born again", and also, the main character, Jesus was placed in a "cave" for 3 days before he too was "born again." Many mythological "gods" before Jesus were said to suffer and/or die in a cave or "dark place" only to be "born again." We will uncover more hidden Goddess-worship in the traditions that have come to be accepted as "Christian."

Money may not "grow on trees" but uh…. The natural formation in the tree above would've no-doubt rendered this tree as "sacred" to the ancients who honored the fertile earth as a mother who "created things in HER own image." Later the story would be "borrowed" in Christendom as the God of the Bible is said to have "made man in his own image."

Even huge gaping holes in trees such as the one seen above are examples of the "yoni in nature." Trees or any erect object normally carry esoteric associations with the penis. Yet when there is a "yoni" involved with a male energy it gives the object more significance as a "fertility tool." This is why many ancient cultures of the Far East share similar stories of the "Creator" having both male and female attributes. The obvious implication is that the "creator" holds the power of sexual reproduction.

As if we are seated, looking up her legs, this image shows us more imagery of the Goddess and yoni seen in nature.

Here we see that even fruit is not exempt from revealing the "image" of the Goddess. This cut melon, like various other fruits, shows the complex inner-workings of the female reproduction system. Visible in the image are the ovaries, fallopian tube, and vagina. Is this MAGNIFICENT, or what?! This also reveals why the ancients saw all fruit and vegetation as "the fruits of her labor",referring to the Goddess Earth of course.

Water is known to be a "feminine" substance that the ancient philosophers of Miletus saw as the "first element" that gave birth to "spirit." Women, like water, SHOULD have NO NATURAL ENEMIES. What is meant by this is that ALL people living are directly depended on water as well as woman for our existence. Also, "where there's water there's life", and it's safe to say that "where there are women, there is life.

Above is an ancient fertility symbol from the Cat Tien Sanctuary recognized throughout Asia and India as the "linga-yoni." The "lingam" (penis) is seen inside the "yoni" hole. Followers often come to the temples and pour milk over the structure to represent semen that is ejaculated into the "portal of life."

Hundreds of statuettes of the so-called "Venus" fertility goddess have been found throughout the world as a testament to the homage paid to the vagina and Goddess herself. In some ancient legends, Venus was said to be a Fairy Queen who ruled in the mountains called "Venusbergs." So popular was the worship of Venus that the Christian Church made her a "saint" named "St. Venerina" to encourage those faithful "pagan", Goddess-worshippers to accept the Christian teachings. The sacred city where her worship was prevalent still bears the likeness of her name. That city is "Venice."

Fertility statues such as this ancient one found in Rome were a part of temples that would be the modern equivalent to a church or mosque. The vagina and other nudity was not seen as "vulgar" or "obscene" and the attributes of the fertility goddess were often exaggerated so that followers were sure to notice those aspects of the human body that are "hidden" as a "shameful sin" today.

This is a depiction of the ancient Khemetic (Egyptian) Goddess, Tawaret. Her celebration as a fertility goddess was highly revered as pregnant women wore amulets of her to assist them in child-birth. In essence, she could also be seen as the divine "midwife" who assists babies in their exit from the "birth canal" or "portal of life."

No explanation needed here!! These fertility statues tell the story of yoni worship in India that dates back at least to 1,000 B.C.E. Also we see why a "round", "oval", or "circular" object is often used to symbolize the yoni or female while an erect "stone", "tree", "pole" or "rod" was symbolic of the penis.

Imagine a Church where the participants gather in a festive orgy to celebrate the vagina and fertility. Kinda hard to picture, huh? Well in the ancient Far East, some traditions of Tantric worship required the followers to engage in orgies on particular days of the moon's movements in the astrological "houses." The images on the temple above are a display of actual rituals of fertility that were held to celebrate the magical, life-giving vagina.

This fertility statue clearly shows why the "V" and/or "Y" shape is associated with the "vulva" or "yoni." We will see how it also figures in logos that secretly conceal the goddess worship.

Mmmmm… "Y" is for "yoni.
" (Or perhaps "yummy?")

Damn!! Don't hurt yourself, girl! "V" is for "vulva." (Or perhaps "vulgar?") One definition of "vulgar" is one who lacks "good breeding." We see that the "vulva" IS the influence to its as portrayal being "vulgar" in a male dominated (dumb-inated) society. In any case, we will see the "vulva" in Church iconography as well.
Now the Church could NEVER be "vulgar", could it?

Above is the ancient Egyptian symbol for the sun. As we see, it is a simple circle with a dot in the center. Long before it was seen as a symbol for a "male" deity, it was symbol of female fertility. As stated before, a circle or oval relates to the feminine principle. We will make better sense of the "dot" in a moment.

Above we see a circle that is super-imposed over the image of a beautiful pregnant woman. The "dot" is the "navel" that is roughly in the center of the stomach (circle). The navel is a natural "wound" or "scar" that is the "physical evidence" that ties us to our mothers through the magnificent "portal of life."

Above is an image of the virgin mother, "Our Lady" seen as the personification of the "sun" with the 12 stars around her to represent the 12 signs of the zodiac. She is comfortably nestled inside the "oval" which is an esoteric representation of the "vulva" from where human life is allowed.

The image above is the Mayan goddess Ixchel. Although she has associations with death and destruction, she is also known for being a fertility goddess, being called "she who makes the babies." Her association with the rabbit above was part of the inspiration of the "Christian" holiday called "Easter." The ancients have long observed the sexual habits of the rabbit to be equated with fertility. Ixchel's associations with destruction is significant because she also represents a "rebirth" during the spring. Easter, is a version of the name "Ishtar", "Aeshteroth", "Aesteroth", or "Esther" who was an ancient, PRE-Christian fertility goddess. Easter, the day Christians celebrate the "rebirth" of Christ is known as a "roving" holiday because in NEVER consistently falls on the same day each year. This would be IMPOSSIBLE if it were a TRUE HISTORICAL EVENT. If it were a REAL HISTORICAL EVENT like a birth, the DAY of the week would change each year, but NEVER the DATE. The Christian myth of Easter is an astrological celebration as it is ALWAYS celebrated on THE FIRST, "SUN"-DAY AFTER THE FIRST FULL MOON THAT FOLLOWS THE VERNAL (spring) EQUINOX. The eggs are "hidden" in the "womb" of mother Earth as children (sperm) are encouraged to find (fertilize) the eggs. The ritual is very ancient and was practiced long before the invention of Christianity.

"Rebirth" is a major theme and tenet in the spiritual practices of the ancients. As stated before, the vulva-shaped doors to various temples were seen as walking through the magical vagina. The image above is one such "portal" where an initiate or follower would enter the symbolic vulva only to exit and "enlightened" or "reborn" individual. The ancients saw the vagina for FAR more than its pleasurable sexual benefits. The spiritual and healing aspects of the vagina were wisely recognized. Interestingly enough, Dr. Aaron Turppeau of Atlanta once stated on a local radio broadcast on "sex and health" that research shows that ingesting the vaginal secretions of a healthy female increases ones immunity to DIS-eases.

Even in our modern architecture do we find the "powers that be" involved in secret "yoni worship." The crack in the diamond-shaped roof is a HUGE fertility yoni. As stated earlier, fertility also embodies the concept of "prosperity" as well. Corporations whose leaders are heavily involved in yoni worship often commission architects to design their buildings to honor the sacred vagina.

Never mind that the word "spice" carries sexual overtones in itself, this logo for the SPICE establishment clearly shows the "yoni" in the center and the "I" (penis) is carefully place in the center of it. Vagina symbolism is prevalent in the logos of corporations whose patrons are involved in the so-called "night life."

All of the symbology and rituals associated with the vagina is to create the best possible "vibration" for life to pass through the portal. When portals are depicted in films there is often a bright light or "glow" that accompanies it. This is the origin of the "pregnant glow" that has come to be a proverbial expression to explain the "beauty" and "vibrancy" that pregnant women have. Also the "darkness" of a cave (vulva) requires the "light" (glow) in the portal to help one advance through birth or a symbolic "rebirth." Also it was said that a woman "glows" due to the "purity" of the "aura" which surrounds the human form in the shape of a "vulva."

BEFORE and immediately after birth through the "great portal", we are directly depended upon the love, nurturing, and treatment from our mothers for our very survival. This is TREMENDOUS "authority" and "responsibility" to be imparted on the woman. Because ALL humans are directly related to a mother, it is easy to see why ancient cultures deemed it necessary to worship and/or observe the powers of the vagina and the spectacular beings who possessed them.

The image above could be seen as "exiting" the "portal of life." This miracle is one that continues to inspire the reverence and honor of the female as the "Goddess/God of creation." The ancients who worshipped the yoni and the goddess understood that even the biggest man had to come through the "portal of life" as a small baby first.

Too adorable!! The above image depicts the "gift of life" that is born through a magnificent "portal of life." As we have discovered, that "portal" has influenced many of the Earth's ancient and modern cultures. Perhaps we owe it to ourselves to rediscover the magnificence that is the "portal" of our existence. The symbols and iconography of the yoni are prevalent in the fabric world culture as a whole. If vagina is a "bad" thing, then all she bears must be "bad" too. Yet for millions of years the yoni has only produced "good fruit" in her role as "the portal of life.
(Please share this info with those who care to know.
Divine love to you ALL!! HOTEP!! HOTEP!! HOTEP!!)
-Akhenamen, from the Heartical-Article series,2008
Women are divine. The Vagina of every Woman is sacred. All men should worship all Women.
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